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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Use any trial version software forever

We download free softwares which provide limited days of free usage. We have to pay to buy that product after the given period of time provided to the software is out.When we love the software but don’t want to pay for it many of us decide to uninstall it or to search for a cracked version of it.I have a nice trick to make Trial version software to live forever. This is an old trick but still it works. There are some software which make the time of the software to modify or stop.

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Following softwares can be used to do this trick:
  • TimeStopper
  • Sandboxie
  • RunAsDate
You can stop the time of trial version software and can be used forever. However, I recommend you to buy Trial version from the respective Company which you really 

How to Use it ?

1. Open Time Stopper
2. Click Browse button to select software that you want to use forever.
3. Select main exe of try-out version & open it.
4. Now Click “choose the new date” comb box and set date as your wish.
5. That’s it.

Using SandBoxie, trial version software can be made to run in an isolated space so that other permanent data and software won’t gets affected.

You are allowed to run a program with specified date/time. It intercepts ther Kernal API calls that returns current time and date (GetSystemTime, GetLocalTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime) and replaces the current timeand date with what you specify.

Do a comment if it works. when it not works in future, i change its link by comment. this 
http://hans-wine.blogspot.com/ blog has always get the latest and working version crack, serial and full version software.

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