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Friday, December 30, 2011

Write Hidden Text Data In Notepad File And Protect Your Personal Data

This is really awesome tutorial, in this tutorial you'll learn that how to make hidden text document and if you allow to show hidden files then it will be not be visible so it's cool.

Step 1: In CMD type the test written below:

notepad xxx :hidden
"Replace xxx with the path of the text file to be create for example D:\justhackz"
Then system will ask you to create a new txt file Yes.

Step 2: Then type any secret data or content in the opened text file then save it no one can read it by simply opening it if you want to read the data then type the text in cmd and press enter.

notepad xxx :hidden
"Then text file with data will be opened"

Do a comment if it works. when it not works in future, i change its link by comment. this 
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